Games levels are age related as shown below.
1 |
5 - 7 |
2 |
7 - 9 |
3 |
9 - 11 |
The age groups are a guide and are not meant to be prescriptive, as children have differing levels of knowledge, understanding and recall. A
child can play any game at any level at any time. It is strongly recommended that games are played multiple times over a period of time.
Each game is linked to a learning objective which can be found in the
Parents section. Multiple choice assessments as well as traffic light system in the Tests section will help determine if a child has
absorbed the learning objective. Further information can be found in the Guidelines document.
Stories can be listened to or read independently. The ilmspirational biographies are more suitable for
8-11-year olds and even beyond. Parents can always pick out and discuss information for younger children. Please see guidelines in
the Parents section for more detail.
The level expectations below show what a child should have learnt by the end of a level. The ones in bold can be tested
through the first 21 games. They have been subdivided into 3 categories: Imaan (faith or belief), Amaal
(actions stemming from that faith) and Akhlaaq (etiquette/manners). Together they encompass the holistic nature of Islam.
Expectations at the end of Level 1
- To know that Allah is the creator of all things and feel awe and wonder at His
- To know that Allah has 99 names and to memorise 10 names with meaning.
- To understand that Allah is All Knowing, all Seeing and All Hearing.
- To know by heart the kalima and its meaning.
- To recall the 5 Pillars in Arabic and what they mean in English.
- To know key facts about the Qur’an, including that it is a book from Allah and
was revealed in Arabic.
- To know that we say SalAllahu alayhi wasallam after Prophet Muhammad’s
(pbuh) name.
- That Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last of the prophets sent by Allah.
- To give examples of the Prophet’s character and to understand that is
a reason we love him.
- To link important events in the Prophet’s life with his age.
- To be able to do wudhu in the correct order.
- To recall the names and timings of the 5 daily prayers.
- To know the number of fard (compulsory) rakats in each prayer
- To be able to perform the sequence of prayer and to name key positions of ruku
and sujood.
- To understand what fasting is, that Muslims fast in Ramadan and other
key aspects.
- To know some stories of the Prophets in the Quran.
- To know and use the Islamic greeting, Assalamu alaikum.
- To memorise common Islamic phrases eg Bismillah, Alhamdulillah,
SubhanAllah, MashaAllah, InshaAllah and appropriate situations to use them.
- To understand essential qualities of being Muslim such as honesty,
respect, gratitude and cleanliness.
- To know key facts about the three most important mosques.
- To have an awareness of problems in the environment and to offer suitable
- To understand the importance in Islam, of treating all creatures
Expectations at the end of Level 2
As above with the addition of…
- To know which beliefs make up the Imaan mufassal.
- To name the most important angels and their jobs.
- To know the names of the Revealed Books.
- To link the Revealed Books with the Prophet they were sent to.
- To explain that a Prophet is a messenger chosen by Allah and to know
what to say after a Prophet’s name.
- To understand that the Torah, Bible and Quran share stories of the
same prophets.
- To match the Prophet names in Arabic with their biblical
- To be able to define sunnah and hadith.
- To begin to understand a simplified notion of the effects of sins on a heart
and how to erase them.
- To be able to order a simplified timeline of key events in the Prophet
Muhammad’s (pbuh) life.
- To know names and relationships of Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) immediate
family members.
- To know that we say Radi allahu anhu for male companions of the
Prophet and Radi allahu anha for female companions of the Prophet.
- To be able to link hadith with the Prophet’s character.
- To memorise an additional 15 names of Allah with meaning.
- To know the adhan and iqamah and explain the difference
between them.
- To know the sunnah rakats for each prayer and that they are
recommended., not compulsory.
- To have a basic understanding of what fasting is, including terms such
as suhoor, iftar, who needs to fast and how long we need we need to fast.
- To know that zakat is 2.5% of savings to be given as charity and to
make simple calculations.
- To explain the difference between zakat and sadaqa.
- To explain why certain items are appropriate to pack for Hajj and why
others are not.
- To have basic knowledge of halal and haraam foods and definitions of these
- To choose examples of Allah’s creations from the natural world and space and
be able to classify them.
- To have some knowledge of inspirational Muslims across a range of
categories and times.
- To memorise the etiquette and dua for:
Sleeping and waking
Going to the bathroom
Leaving the house
- To explain qualities of a good friend and a bad one.
- To understand that Man is a khalifah (caretaker ruler) over the earth, hence
our responsibility to look after its resources.
- To connect environmental responsibility with the essence of Islamic ethos.
Expectations at the end of Level 3
As above with the addition of…
- To understand lessons from stories of the prophets and how they can
apply to our lives.
- To understand that arrogance led to the downfall of Iblis as well as other
- To be able to order an extended timeline of key events in Prophet
Muhammad’s (pbuh) life.
- To give examples of the various roles Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) played in his
lifetime e.g. shepherd, merchant, father, prophet, statesman.
- To have memorized 15 additional names of Allah i.e. 40 in total.
- To define Tawheed and Shirk.
- To match the 3 categories of Tawheed and Shirk to their meaning.
- To know some similarities and differences between angels, jinn and mankind.
To know extended Shahadah at the end of wudhu and circumstances which break it.
- To be able to explain witr prayer and how to perform it.
- To recall the conditions and format of travel prayers.
- To learn and categorise some benefits of prayer (salah) and fasting
- To define khushoo and explain some ways of achieving it to improve the
quality of our prayer.
- To know the importance of Jummah, including the congregational prayer.
- To be able to explain some of the spiritual, physical and mental benefits of
- To understand the benefits of zakat including the social benefits of sharing
- To learn and understand 8 categories of people who can benefit from zakat and
the Quranic reference for this.
- To know each stage of how Hajj is performed in the correct
- To be able to link the rituals of Hajj with their origin.
- To have a wider knowledge of inspirational Muslims across a range of
categories and times.
- To understand that Islam is a holistic religion which balances faith
and action, belief in God and service to the community.
- To memorise the du’a for entering and leaving a masjid.
- To understand what empathy is.
- To have a basic understanding of the difference between culture and religion.
- To articulate the impact of negative behaviour such as dishonesty,
envy, hypocrisy.
- To understand that our actions, positive and negative, always have
Author: Sadia Irfan
May 2018